Exploring Technology KRDR Agenda

DLT:Apply the video editing techniques and tools covered in classIntegrate different techniques into a single project Activities:Canva Holiday Video (due 12/11) - Use the storyboard you submitted last class to build your video using Canva. Video ...
DLT:Plan and create a storyboardApply rule of thirdsDemonstrate the application of basic editing and transition techniques Activities:Holiday Video Storyboard - Create a storyboard for a holiday video idea. Focus on your storyboard being a visual...
DLT:Be able to explain and apply basic rule of thirds philosophy to images. Activity:Rule of Thirds Article - Read this article on examples of the Rule of Thirds (actively read and check out the links for detailed explanations!).Rule of Thirds The...
Join Canva for education using this link. Be sure to sign in using your school Google account. Activity:Canva News Clip - Create a 30-second news clip using Canva. Submit in Jupiter by the end of class Thursday. Due end of next class. You must ad...
DLT:Be able to apply basic editing and transitions to your storyboard plan and final video Activity:Halloween Movie - Create a scary halloween movie. Last class we introduced the use of green screen. Answer the following questions in Jupiter on ...
DLT:Be able to apply basic editing and transitions to your storyboard plan and final video Activity:Halloween Movie - Create a scary halloween movie. Your movie will need to me a minimum of 60 seconds ( it can be as long as you like) and showcase...
DLT:Be able to apply basic editing and transitions to your storyboard plan and final video Activity:Halloween Movie - Create a scary halloween movie. Your movie will need to me a minimum of 60 seconds ( it can be as long as you like) and showcase...
Activity:BrainPop: Imagination - complete the assigned sections and take the quiz at the end.
DLT: Be able to apply overlay effects to video in order to convey an idea, achieve a feeling through cinematography, or achieve other special effects necessary to tell your story. Activity:iMovie - You will create a 60 second (minimum) iMovie tha...
DLT:Understand different types of digital communicationExplain how to apply digital etiquette and avoid conflict or misunderstanding online Activity:Finish iMovie A Day in Your Life Project - Due by the end of class in Jupiter. Be sure to change ...