• Be able to explain and apply basic rule of thirds philosophy to images.

  • Rule of Thirds Article - Read this article on examples of the Rule of Thirds (actively read and check out the links for detailed explanations!).
  • Rule of Thirds

  • The "Rule of Thirds" is the basic composition principle to follow for well balanced and interesting shots. The concept of the Rule of Thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds horizontally and vertically. You will then want to frame your shot so that your elements are along the lines and preferably at one of the four points where the lines intersect to make your shot more interesting.

"What a cool-looking tree."

If only there were a system for figuring out its placement…

"Now it’s even more cool-looking!"

  • Rule of Thirds Image Edits - Look through your photos and find THREE images that you really like. Now edit that image by applying what you have learned about the rule of thirds (KEEPING the SAME IMAGE/ASPECT RATIO). Using the crop tool will allow you to adjust the placement of your subject in the image. You may need to slightly zoom or pan out to fill the frame.
    • Create at least 2 different edits for the each image. Put ALL images (including the original) into a SINGLE Notability document and then answer the questions below for EACH edited image (3 original images x 2 edits each = 9 photos total). Submit in Jupitergrades by the end of class Thursday 11/16. All questions must be answered in complete sentences.
      • What are you trying to focus attention on in the image?
      • How does the edited image adhere to the Rule of Thirds? Explain exactly how it fits into the Rule of Thirds (left third, upper third, top/left intersection, alignment along right third, balancing, etc). It may even apply in more than one way.