• Be able to navigate Trello project management website
  • Use Trello to submit video projects and communicate group work

  • Sign Up for Trello and Join Class Board - Log into Trello using your school Google account. Do NOT create an email / password login.
  • Trello Use and KRDR Expectations - Know the basic navigation of Trello, how to find information for your group, and group responsibilities.
    1. Settings in Trello are to remain the same.
    2. Only work with Trello cards for your assigned group.
    3. Each class check Trello Board for assignments for your KRDR group.
    4. KRDR work takes priority over individual assignments.
    5. The GROUP is responsible for all assignments.
    6. Be sure to include all information conveyed on the card in your spot for KRDR.
    7. You must storyboard before filming. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
    8. Push yourself and your group. Try new things and apply techniques you learn in class. Be creative. What would you want to watch?
    9. Do NOT make up information and be sure info like times, dates, locations, etc are correct and both verbal and written.
    10. Be professional! Spelling, grammar, and your appearance and behavior all count in your clips.
    11. When your assigned task is complete attach your video as link.

    12. Move the card to "Ready to Use."

    13. If your card gets moved to "Errors/Quality Issues" read the comments and make corrections to improve your grade.
    14. MEET YOUR DEADLINES!!!!! Every part of this process depends on the parts before. Missing deadlines cause a chain reaction and is the biggest deduction in grades for KRDR.