Step 1 - Pick Random Words
Step 2 - Establish all the Rhyming Words
Step 3 - Write the Lyrics
Step 4 - Record with "Average" Amount of Energy
Step 5 - Repeat Key Words
Step 6 - Add Sound Effects Using Your Mouth
Step 7 - Random Brand Sponsorship
Step 8 - Dress the Part
Step 9 - Borrow a Fancy Car

  • Rap Video Storyboard - FULLY plan your video storyboard. You MUST include planned transitions, editing techniques, props (specifically Car and Brand Sponsorship), actions, camera angles, effects, wardrobe, and time/section of lyrics for each scene. If filming outside of class/school detail location and who is responsible in the group for filming the raw footage for each off site scene. This should be the most detailed storyboard you have created. Everyone's duties, props, locations, etc should all be clear. I should be able to "see" your vision for the video. Due in Jupiter by the end of class 5/14.

Music Video Storyboard Template
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You can also use Canva or other tools to create your storyboard.