• plan and create a detailed storyboard
  • apply animation techniques in Keynote
  • apply advance overlay and green screen techniques in iMovie

  • Juno Pod in Jupiter: What is a Green Screen? - Read the article and answer the questions.
  • Keynote Animation with Green Screen - Create a a 60 second short story based on your storyboard that combines an animated character with real life video and characters. You must have at least 40s with animated characters in the video. You will need to carefully plan your story so that you can film the live action video and then overlay the animated portion using green screen. Consider transitions, camera angles, and editing techniques already covered. Plan your foley effects and other sounds. For this project, planning is EXTREMELY important. You must consider how the characters will interact and plan your camera angles and acting directions accordingly. Without careful planning the animated and real characters will not seem to be together in the final video or could be out of sync. You will want to be sure to plan your shot selections with room for the animated character and plan out a timeline (measured in seconds) so that you know how long to make your animations and where to place foley effects. The final video is due in Jupiter at the end of class on 3/5.