• Create a storyboard from a script/plan of a documentary.
  • Use cinematography, foley effects, special effects, narration, transitions, music, etc. to help tell the story and set the mood of your documentary.
  • Plan a consistent theme throughout your storyboards for each act.

  • Storyboard the First Act (The Beginning) - You brainstormed a documentary idea before spring break. You then created a 3 act plan to tell your story. Now is the time to start your storyboard and planning the visual story of your documentary. How will your shot selections tell the story? Close ups of real life participants? Reenactments? Historical images of the situation? Dramatic music? Special effects? Do we see the narrator?

You can create your own storyboard template, use one previously provided or that you download, use Canva and the storyboard tools there. The choice is yours. Remember the storyboard focuses on the visual representation, sound, and special effects. Plan your storyboard as if you are giving it to someone else to make your video for you. It should be detailed! Due by the end of class today.

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